Sacramento SSDI and SSI Disability Attorney

Jon Sipes is a trusted advocate who specializes in assisting disabled individuals in Sacramento and the surrounding communities to secure SSDI and SSI disability benefits. With a deep understanding of the eligibility criteria for both the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs, he can navigate the complexities of each program to help you obtain the benefits you deserve.
“The SSA offers two types of benefits to disabled individuals: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).”
When you turn to Jon Sipes for guidance, you can be confident that your benefits claims will be handled with utmost care and expertise. Whether you’re filing an initial claim, seeking assistance with a disability appeal, or simply have inquiries about the available disability benefits, Jon Sipes will provide you with well-informed representation precisely when you need it the most.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
SSDI benefits are designed to support individuals with disabilities who are aged 18 to 65 and have contributed to the Social Security system through tax deductions. To be eligible for SSDI, it is important to meet the requirements for work credits, which are determined by your age and work history. These credits are earned based on the duration and level of your employment.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI benefits are specifically intended for individuals who are disabled, blind, or over the age of 65, and who have limited financial resources. Children under the age of 18 with a qualifying impairment can also qualify for SSI. It’s important to note that there are income and asset limits that must be met in order to be eligible for SSI. The claimant’s income and assets should not exceed a specified threshold.
How Are SSDI and SSI Different?
Although both SSDI and SSI programs provide financial assistance to disabled individuals, there are notable differences between the two.
SSDI, often referred to as an “entitlement program,” is available to individuals who have paid into Social Security for at least 10 years, regardless of their income or assets. Conversely, SSI is considered a “means-tested” benefit, providing assistance to elderly, blind, and disabled individuals who demonstrate financial need. SSI has strict income and asset limits to qualify, as it is funded by general tax revenues.
Another distinction lies in the health insurance benefits associated with each program. SSDI recipients become eligible for Medicare two years after they start receiving disability benefits, while SSI beneficiaries automatically qualify for Medicaid. Jon Sipes will work closely with you to ensure you receive these crucial health benefits.
Furthermore, there are disparities in the financial benefits offered by the SSI and SSDI programs.
Under SSI, monthly payments are based on the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR), which is adjusted annually. As of the current information available, the FBR for 2023 is $794 per month for individuals and $1,191 per month for couples. However, these amounts may vary depending on any Social Security cost of living adjustments (COLA). Additionally, SSI benefits may be reduced by the beneficiary’s income, resulting in a lower monthly payment.
In contrast, SSDI benefits are based on the individual’s earnings record. Therefore, the monthly payment is generally higher than the monthly SSI benefit. Presently, payments average around $1,200 per month, with a maximum benefit amount of $2,788 per month.
How Do I Obtain Social Security Disability Benefits in California?
In order to apply for disability benefits in California, you must fill out and submit your application by mail, online, or through the local Social Security field office in your area. Given the complexity of the application process, seeking the advice and guidance of a knowledgeable disability attorney is a wise decision.
If your disability prevents you from working, it’s natural to have concerns about accessing necessary medical care and meeting your financial obligations. Jon Sipes, Attorney-at-Law, is here to alleviate those concerns through compassionate representation and reliable service. During your consultation, he will evaluate your eligibility for SSDI or SSI benefits and dedicate his unwavering efforts to securing the benefits you both need and deserve. Recognizing the immense challenges of living with a disability—physically, emotionally, and financially—Jon Sipes operates on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t be charged any attorneys’ fees until he successfully obtains benefits on your behalf.
Jon Sipes will closely collaborate with you to gather the necessary personal and financial information required for the application. Additionally, he will work in tandem with your doctor to develop a comprehensive medical record that strongly supports your claim. Most importantly, our goal is to demonstrate that your condition aligns with Social Security’s definition of disability: an impairment that (1) is expected to last at least one year or result in death, and (2) prevents you from engaging in any substantial gainful activity.
If you are seeking SSD or SSI benefits, you can trust Jon Sipes to guide you from start to finish. Please contact our office today for a free evaluation of your case.
This information included on these pages does not constitute legal advice and should be used as such. They are for informational purposes only.
- Applying For Disability Benefits
- Social Security Disability Benefits
- The Difference Between SSI And SSDI
- Disability Appeals
- Disability Hearings
- Compliance
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- Doctors Letter With Proper Diagnosis
- Representing Minors In Disability Hearings
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